Lies by Design


ComputerDeceptioncEmoryAllenI wrote an essay for the most recent issue of Pacific Standard in which I investigate the extent to which modern technology deceives us. In some of these deceptions we play an active role. I’m thinking, in particular, of placebo buttons (elevator close buttons or crosswalk buttons that don’t actually perform their stated function). We press them to as if we’ve done our duty, but in reality many elevator doors and crosswalks work on their own timers.

But there are other examples of deceptive technologies that aren’t so harmless. These include online ads or shopping carts that trick us into clicks we don’t intend, or confusing settings on social networks that end up allowing our profiles to reveal more information than we intend.

My piece for Pacific Standard looks at a variety of modes of deception in technology and poses the question: how we might think about designing deception into future computer systems? And ultimately, how exactly should our artificial intelligence lie to us?

Click here to read the full essay.

Click here to listen to me discuss deceptive technology on New Hampshire Public Radio’s “Word of Mouth.”

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A New Measure of Tornado Power

Photo by Mitch Dobrowner |

My latest in the May 2014 issue of WIRED:

On May 20, 2013, a mass of swirling wind gouged a path of destruction across Oklahoma, killing 24 people and causing $2 billion in damage. And earlier this week a deadly cluster of tornadoes ripped through the midwest and the south, killing more than dozen people and injuring hundreds. This kind of destruction would seem to indicate that tornadoes are getting worse. But with the way we currently measure twisters, it’s nearly impossible to know. Now James Elsner, a geographer from Florida State University, has a fix.

Click here to read more.

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“A smart look at how big data transforms our lives, from the microcosm of the individual to the macrocosm of the planet. Eagle’s pioneering research in data-mining human behavior is inspiring, while Greene’s insights on what it all means makes Reality Mining an indispensable book. And importantly, privacy issues are not an afterthought but interlaced throughout–as it should be.”

–Kenneth Cukier, co-author of Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

“We look at digital devices as something that are meant to serve us. In Reality Mining we are taken on a journey from individuals to countries, to illustrate the true transformative power the collective use of these digital devices brings to humanity. A fascinating trip guided by the researchers who have successfully bridged discovery with entrepreneurship!”

–Albert-László Barabási, Robert Gray Doge Professor of Network Science, Northeastern University; author of Linked

This is to say that the MIT Press monograph I’ve co-authored with Nathan Eagle will drop in August of this year, and some people have thoughts on it.

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Boredom, A Philological Approach

I’ve written an essay on boredom and space exploration that will be published by this week. (You can read it here.) One section of this essay didn’t make the final cut. In it, I go into the history of the words boring and boredom, interest and interesting and some variants using the OED and Google n-gram viewer. The excised section follows.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the verb to bore arrived in 1000 A.D with only one meaning: to pierce or perforate. The noun bore, a hole made by boring, was first recorded in 1320. Bored appeared as an adjective in 1553, to describe something that was pierced or perforated or cylindrically hollow. Two hundred years later, the definition of bore took an unexpected turn. It was no longer just an act performed with a specialized tool to remove material from an object. It began to relate to the “malady of ennui, supposed to be specifically ‘French,’ as ‘the spleen’ was supposed to be English; a fit of ennui or sulks; a dull time.” The OED dates this usage to a 1766 letter written by the Earl of March regarding a tedious time with a Frenchman.

Two years after that letter, in 1768, English language produced the antidote to bore when interesting gained a new definition. Something interesting could suddenly have “the qualities which rouse curiosity, engage attention, or appeal to emotions.”

In David Foster Wallace’s Pale King, a novel that explores the dreariness of work for the IRS, a character, in a monolog on boredom, mentions this curious order of coinage—bore before interesting. But the OED indicates that, twenty years before interesting took its anti-bore meaning, the verb to interest meant “to affect with a feeling of concern; to stimulate to sympathetic feeling; to excite the curiosity or attention of,” which is to say that it’s best to take certain lexicographical cause-and-effect scenarios with a grain of salt.

During the nineteenth century bore continued to evolve. In 1812 it became a tiresome person. In 1823, the adjective bored appeared as “wearied and suffering from ennui.” Boring was defined in 1840 as that which annoys, wearies, or causes ennui. And finally, Boredom, as an undesirable state of being, entered the OED via Bleak House by Charles Dickens in 1853.

Be careful giving Dickens all the credit, though. If you type boredom into Google’s n-gram viewer, an online tool that allows digitally scanned texts written between 1800 and 2008 to be searched, you will see the word appears before 1853, although in which texts, Google does not say. Incidentally, you’ll also see that bore appears much more frequently over the years than the variants bored, boring, and boredom.

The widespread use of these words is generally associated with the industrial era, a time when new technologies replaced human skills and animal power, leading to general and widespread alienation. Interestingly, bore began to lose  steam in texts after 1900, but since 2000, there’s been a sharp uptick. This coincides with emergence use of the Internet, although a causal link between the two is as yet unproven.


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Collected Dispatches from the Red Planet

Taking some notes. Photo: Sian Proctor

It’s been a few weeks since the completion of HI-SEAS 2013. I’m now back at home in San Francisco and readjusting to life on Earth. So far it’s consisted of weddings, numerous meals and drinks with friends, ocean swims, bike rides around the city, and a couple of late nights binging on Orange is the New Black. It feels good to be back.

But my mind hasn’t completely left the fourth rock from the Sun. Right now, I’m working on a feature story for Discover magazine. It’ll be longish piece about what it was like to live a Martian life. It’ll also showcase the stunning photography from crew member Sian Proctor. Publication cycles for print magazines can run long, but I’m hopeful the story will be out in a few months.

In the meantime, you can see all 17 of my Discover dispatches here:

I also wrote some posts for The Economist, which you can read here: & here: & here: & here: & here:

In addition to the writing, I’ll be speaking at a few events and conferences in the near future.

Appearance #1: If you’re in Kansas City on September 18th, drop by miniBar for Nerd Nite, where I’ll give a short talk about HI-SEAS and answer all your burning questions about being a fake astronaut.

Appearance #2: Quantified Self 2013 Global Conference in San Francisco, October 10-11. I’ll talk about the difficulties of sleeping in space and the sleep study I conducted on the HI-SEAS crew.

Appearance #3: Skeptech in Minneapolis April 11-13th. I’ll be on panels talking about space and technology in general.




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